Monday, September 14, 2009

Towel Foul.

I never understood the rules of masculinity at the gym. Everyone exaggerates how much they can bench press, or curl, or leg press, or how many sit-ups they can do. And of course, this sort of talk usually carries over into the most popular topic men discuss...women. Again the exaggeration continues because most guys falsely (99.68%) believe they have the ability to "conquer" any woman they set their third-eyesight on.

These guys that are the ring leaders of "dude talk" are the same guys that shamelessly walk around the locker room. They spend hours at the gym calling each other different variations of popular homophobic insults then share a wonderful 45 minute conversation completely naked in the locker room. Why is it OK to make fun of men who are attracted to men and talk about how many women you've had intercourse with (and how you had intercourse with) while standing without a towel wrapped around your waist? And if this is you, stop lying to yourself. That jungle between your legs is neither impressive or tolerable and I don't mean that in a homophobic way. In the grand sense of beauty, it ranks right next to this on the low end of the scale. Give a towel a home and wrap it around your waist when you're done showering, it's really that simple. Then you can carry on with the lies about the intimate details of your life.

If you get this work done then I'll get over my insecurity and gladly applaud your towel-less adventures in the locker room.

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