Saturday, July 16, 2011

Justin Bieber and Post-racial America.

Ah Justin Bieber. You little lesbian-looking thing. How did you get here? How did WE get here? When Barack Obama got elected President of The United States of America we constantly heard people say, "I never expected to see a black president in my lifetime." I don't think anyone expected it because even though most Americans are delusional, most aren't THAT delusional (yes, they are, but in different ways). So it was indeed a wild shock. Recently I have been thinking a lot about what has happened since and I begin to wonder if it is/was one of the most shocking moments of my life. It isn't. You know why? Because of this Justin Bieber thing.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined a world where badass Black Rappers and Teenage White Girls would have had anything in common. I just couldn't picture little teenage white girls basing their entire lives around Clothes, Bank Rolls, and Hoez. And I couldn't picture gangster ass black rappers whining to their Mom's about allowance money or trying to figure out how to install a tampon. Real Gangsters don't use tampons. They use rolled up Benjamins. OK, that's a lie! I have no idea what they use. Not only do these rappers and girls have something in common these days. They share a LOVE for something. And that something is Justin Bieber.

Ludacris, Lil' Twist, Soulja Boy, Raekwon (The Chef), and my main man Kanye West have all collaborated with Justin Bieber. Lil B has made a song about him. And I'm sure in the near future we're going to see much much more. So what does all of this mean? Well for now, it's a good example of what Hip-Hop has turned into: Pop music. Not all of it is that way, but it seems to be the direction it's going. But what's next? Is there something bigger on the horizon? Is Justin Bieber going to start saying, "nigga"?

Think about it. Is Justin Bieber the key to Post-racial America? Are historians going to look back one day and say, "That great artist Justin Bieber not only blurred the line between male and female, he also made it alright for overprivileged white people to say 'Nigga' and black people got over it pretty quickly because all of their favorite rappers quickly signed on to the Bieber-movement." I would really love it if Bieber would drop the word into one of his songs about eating too much candy, or not having permission to have pop with dinner. We could hear Raekwon (The Chef) and Kanye say, "I mean it's just a word. C'mon. Give the little guy...girl?...a chance." And before you know it, all these little bitches will be saying it.

You can barely even see Kanye in this picture...

“He’s not really an a--hole like everyone makes him out to be. I mean, he can, he can do bad things, but he’s really generally a good guy.” Bieber continued with, ““He can make bad decisions, you know, as well as everyone can but generally I think he is a good guy." - Justin Bieber

That's great Bieber. The world should hold your little 16 year-old opinion of Kanye West as a true testament of the man's character. The sad thing is, we do. If all of these rappers approve of this kid then where are we at as a society? Are we blurring the lines of class and race? Let's put it this way. Can you imagine Notorious B.I.G. saying, "This Bieber-thing motherfucker is where it's at. I wanna collaborate with that lil nigga." Of course not. The only thing that those two would have in common would be their love of candy.

I don't think Justin Bieber is going to start saying 'nigga' anytime soon. It would just be bad business. But I wouldn't be surprised if he let it slip and everyone came to his rescue. I hope that day comes in my lifetime (you got 6 years Bieber). Not because I think it would actually contribute anything to "Post-racial America" but because I don't know if I've ever heard a little white Canadian/guy/girl/lesbian/singer thing say the word "nigga." Has it ever happened in history? And will it happen in the future? Only time will tell.

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