Friday, April 2, 2010

A fool's holiday, yesterday.

Yesterday was April Fools' Day which is pretty self-explanatory. In my opinion, every day seems like a celebration for fools. But either way, I didn't get played for a fool and didn't hear anyone say, "JUST KIDDING, APRIL FOOLS!" Although I did see several individuals walking around with their shirts off which is far worse. There are very few places where it is acceptable to walk around with your shirt off. A few that come to mind are 1) the beach (unfortunately), 2) your bedroom as long as you're alone or everyone else is cool with it, 3) the shower or bathroom (if you're dumping and it's hot), 4) the doctor's office, 5) the gay parade (maybe), 6) when you're jumping off a cliff to end it all because you finally realized you were walking around in the middle of a city with you're god damn shirt off. I can't really think of too many more. The reason I know that these people weren't playing an April Fools' joke on everyone is because there were a good amount of people that had their shirts off today. The date doesn't matter, fools will be fools.
Speaking of which. I ran into this dude yesterday. Senator Roland Burris. He's tiny, and I'm almost positive he had this exact suit on. It may be 25 years old but it still fits perfectly.

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