Monday, October 26, 2009

Fat City.

I'm sure this will be a recurring theme on this blog but it is unavoidable.

I never really found fat people jokes very entertaining mostly because they are too easy and they're not really all that funny. But the idea of living in a world that is designed for fat people is indeed a total joke. I can see it now, people reminiscing about the days when there used to be a shirt size called a "Small." Or remembering a thing called the Olympics when people would run and move in ways that are no longer possible. Etc. Ridiculous? Of course it is but so is the idea of having a nightclub strictly for fat people which is now a reality.

Some sociologists make the point that if fat people feel more comfortable in their surroundings and have more confidence they will work harder to shed pounds and live healthier. I can see the logic that goes into this thinking but I think it ignores one main thing that should be considered: REALITY. This thinking isn't entirely backwards, but knowing how lazy and pathetic many Americans are, it seems a bit ridiculous to think people will actually start to take care of themselves and work hard at staying healthy just because they have a bit more confidence. If people become more comfortable being lazy and unhealthy and it is more widely accepted, won't they just sit back and pop in another easy bake pizza and enjoy their night watching "Dancing With The Stars?"

You know, I would like to sit around and eat pizza and pecan pie all day but I would also like to be able to walk down the street without running out of breath. I am also sympathetic to those who aren't privileged enough to afford healthy foods and gym memberships but I don't really think they are spending too much of their time and money out at the club just trying to fit in.

All you can do is sigh.

Club Bounce.

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