I was watching the local news the other night and came across plenty of things that were depressing. Kidnappings of innocent children, shootings, corrupt politicians, and a bunch of other things that a lot of people find entertaining (until it affects them). Out of all these tragedies, none of them was more heart-wrenching and enraging than a segment on Yoga. Normal yoga is already pretty annoying. Nobody wants to listen to beard-o losers with dreadlocks talk about their "energy" and their "connection" with "life" and the "world". (I use quotation marks mostly because the reality these people live in is all hearsay. To me it's more of an Organic Disney World.) I shouldn't completely slag off yoga because the ancient practices of it can be quite fascinating. The Yoga I am referring to is the yuppie version. This Yoga has become more and more popular in the past couple of decades and it has reached new heights of Annoying. I thought the idea of doing Yoga in a hot-as-hell room was pushing it but now people are offering courses for Doga. WHAT A CREATIVE NAME! Mix Yoga with Dogs and what do you get? The Whitest thing to hit American culture since boy bands.
When is it ever enough for these people? Why can't they just stick to PTA, Prius', and rollerblading? Why must they fuse everything into some sort of pathetic attempt at creativity and innovation? I'll stop arguing. Let these people do what they want in their spare time, but I am willing to bet that most dogs enjoy laying on a couch licking ass all day a lot more than they like being paraded around a bunch of idiots burning incense and listening to muzak. It's just a guess.
The decline of humanity continues here.
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