Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fashion Week.

Fashion week is about to wrap up here soon and I couldn't be happier. The store I work at threw a party and although things went smoothly and it wasn't too much of a headache, I was extremely glad to get it over with. During the past few weeks I've noticed how disgusting most models are. Seriously. The only models that are hot, are the ones that are so extremely good looking I can't even figure out what race they are. I saw this one on the train that looked like Pocahontas. (She even had a flower in her hair and I'm pretty sure she sang me "Colors of The Wind" but that could have just been in my head.) All the other models have no sort of shape (how am I supposed to cry on all that skin and bones?) and aren't really all that pretty. They're just tall. And of course that makes me mad.

During Fashion's Night Out you really get a good sense of why America is in sharp decline. I know it's just a small portion of America that partakes in the foolery of this week's events but even that little slice of horseshit is overwhelming and depressing. I would post pictures of these idiots but I don't want them plaguing my boards. So click here if you want to have an idea of what it was like.

I'm not sure these Banksy tags are legit but they are appropriate. With all the grown little kids running around in SoHo chasing celebrities and free drinks, it's good to see someone still having some good ol' fashion fun.

Barbara Bush is a fashion victim and an asshole. She fits right in with this Fashion Week crowd.

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