Friday, February 25, 2011

Pool Party!

Sex-abuse defendant, 89, found unfit for trial

There is only one thing you need to read from this very short article to get an idea of how terribly stupid some people are.

"Chester Stabrowski, was charged in 2007 with abusing the boys, both under 13, at his home during a pool party."

Here is what my good friend Mr. Garrity had to say about this. (The reason this looks like a poem or really awesome song lyrics is because it's taken from an e-conversation I had with him.):
I was reading an article yesterday about a 90 year old man who molested two little boys.
At a pool party.
At his house.
So many things went through my mind.
A) Isn't 90 a little old to be molesting?
B) Pool party at a 90 year-old man's house should raise some red flags.
What is he even doing with a pool?
"That sounds good. Should we bring chips or dessert?"
And the kids were brothers.
This story just kept getting worse.
It was like the perfect storm of fucked up shit.
Then I saw his picture.
He looks like he is 150.

It's exactly what you picture a 90 year-old pedo will look like.
Probably figured he had nothing to lose because he's 90.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I do have a few things to add. This is a perfect example of bad parenting on all sides. Chester's parents obviously didn't love him. They named him CHESTER. Any child named Chester pretty much has their "Career" path figured out. No college degree needed to partake in Kiddie Fiddlin'. And could you imagine the life these two poor brothers are going to live now? Talk about sharing a bonding experience. My goodness.

I think the only thing that's positive that can come out of this is the fact that they finally have a good template for the 90 year-old pedophile NEWS sketch. As soon as a 90 year-old pedophile is at large, the NEWS could post this picture because we should always automatically assume that the guy looks something like this. Maybe a bit darker or with a different facial expression but always as perverted-looking as this maniac.

Now I'm imagining a 90 year-old on the run. Pants around his ankles, gripping his walker tight, moving slower than shit. Fuck. Now I'm imagining what a 90 year-old ball bag looks like. It ain't Pretty.

1 comment:

  1. also worthy of consideration
