Tuesday, October 4, 2011

1 year in NYC.

I got one year under my belt so I guess I'm halfway there. Just kidding, I hope I'm in this piece of shit city for longer than 2 years but who knows, maybe something great will happen. Just kidding. We all know great things don't happen to people like me. People like me = Complaining Dickfaces.

Couple of my best buds in town visiting me.
A lot has happened this year. I've spent a bunch of money on living (but more on clothes). I've tricked a pretty cool girl with a big butt into thinking I'm a cool guy. I've had a piece of shit job that I hated which was run by a buncha greedy sonsabitches. I have a job that I really enjoy run by people who are genuinely kind and good and intelligent. I've seen a Rat Tail. I've gotten robbed. I've been visited by a number of people including my dad (who has never been to New York). I've made a ton of new "friends." I've fallen in love with about a million women (and maybe a couple of dudes) who I've never talked to. I've seen black dudes dressed in a full Samurai suit. I see at least one woman crying a day (that's not an exaggeration, there are some sad bitches in this town). I've lived through a Hurricane. I've had a Missed Connection (I swear I didn't write it). I've seen and spoken to a bunch of celebrities (I miss you St. Vincent, I really do). I've been made fun of because of my accent. I've made fun of New York accents. I've made of New York and New Yorkers. Actually that's pretty much all I've done. So is it a wasted year? Of course not. It's why I moved here.

More of my best buds visiting me. Love the shirts guys!
One year in New York City and all of this. I'd say it's been a pretty good year.

Fuck. I just remembered. I now look like this.
Sup ladies?

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