Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To Tweet or Not To Tweet.

I don't really understand Twitter at all. With all the @'s and the #'s and the RT's. I thought "RT" meant "Real Talk." I seriously did. So I thought people were just saying, "Yea, Real Talk" on the bullshit somebody else posted but nobody actually cares about. R. Kelly has forever ruined me. I occasionally look at some of my friends' Twitters (that sounds perverted) and find myself amused at what people use it for. It's usually used in an attempt to be clever and funny (which is what I'd use it for) or to pickup girls/dudes (what I'd be using it for, girls not dudes). What ever happened to calling people on the phone? Or not sharing every single thought you had with everyone?

After looking at the Top 10 "Most Followed" I laughed (and cried) at what I came across. Apparently Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber have cooler shit to say than Barack Obama. I don't mind Lady Gaga and I'm sure she uses it to promote her music and g-rod rights. But Justin Bieber? Really? What does that little lesbian really have to say? He doesn't even know what German is. I think more people should be bothered that Americans (and some people across the world) are "Following" Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and Ashton Kutcher. Do you actually think any of these people have anything to say in real life? Well I guess they don't have to say anything interesting because they're all rich. The amount of money you have usually correlates with how much people will listen to you. So will my broke ass be able to get people to listen? Probably not.

If I do sign up, I probably won't be "Following" anybody, not because I'm avoiding it but because I don't have a smartphone and I won't get your little updates anyways.

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