Thursday, April 7, 2011

My thoughts from last night.

Do you want to see an example of the way my mind works? Of course you do.

"Undercover Handjobber"

i wonder if there is a human out there
that just loves giving homeless people handjobs
wouldn't that be incredible
just a guy
that had a family
was on a bowling team
2 kids
worked in insurance
but every once in a while

had to jerk off a homeless guy

how would he go about doing it
i can't imagine there are homeless dudes hangin' out below the bridge
just waiting
just waiting for someone to whisper into their ear
would it be as awkward as approaching a person at a bar
i can't imagine the small talk

blisters on the undercover handjobber's hands
what a relic that would be to have when you're 90 years-old
grandpa why do you have all of those scars on the palm of your left hand
a twinkle in his eye
he would say
those days were long ago
those were the days

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