Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am my father. With more hair (for now) and less weird (for now).

On Father's Day I called Al to let him know how much I appreciate everything he's done for me the past 26 years. We actually never got to that part. Our 15 minute "conversation" was pretty one-sided. I simply complained about the management at my job the entire time and Al listened and laughed. I guess I'm not different. I guess I'm just like every other miserable sack of shit who hates their job. It was probably pretty selfish of me to complain about a job that is meaningless and not very hard, to a man who worked hard as a carpenter for 30+ years. I mean really, what complaint do I have that is going to make him think, "Poor kid really has it rough." But he listens and offers simple advice, "Marty you need a new job." And he's right.

I guess that's the thing I appreciate most about my father these days. He listens and laughs. No matter how much I complain about something that he probably doesn't care about he'll sit through it and let me bitch and moan until I run out of things to say. Every guy fears the idea of turning into their father. Some people avoid having children because of it. I'm starting to think that if I inherit all of my father's best qualities and avoid the bad ones, I'd be happy with it (well isn't that obvious). And I won't really have the opportunity to be the same as my father with regards to children. Because before children, you need a date. And lord knows I don't have one of those.

Al suggested my Gmail icon. No idea where he found this picture, but it continues my streak of amazing pictures. I've never taken a bad one.

A friend's thoughts on my picture...

And of course it wouldn't be complete unless she offered an example...

She's right.

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